Monday, March 16, 2009

Fall Out Boy

The whole "Fall Out Boy has sold out, they suck now, blah blah blah" gets really annoying. I read an article on AP (alternative press) Magazine website about the band. A few months ago AP had an issue with FOB on the cover, but there were two versions. There was a Fall Out Bot Sucks version in blue with the band in make up and suits at a party. There was also a Fall Out Boy Rules version in red where it was just a photo of the band playing like they normally would. Fall Out Boy has been getting bashed ever since their album Infinity On High from old fans saying that they've sold out since their From Under The Cork Tree days. I still like FOB, their newest CD, Folie à deux, I haven't really listened to because I just don't like it. I didn't like their first CD either, but I think it's stupid to call them a sell out, they're just making music. Its their job.

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