Saturday, February 7, 2009

If You Seek....Controversy

Britney Spears' song If You Seek Amy started a lot of controversy. Off her new album, Circus, If You Seek Amy is a song that has a double meaning. This video of Chris Crocker (nobody can say it better than him...her?) states how the song can either be about a girl named Amy at a club or about something more suggestive. Every song on the radio nowadays has an undertone that isn't appropriate for the radio. Lollipop, for example, has an obvious connotation that isn't about just enjoying a candy. The media is all over Britney for this song, but other artists can release suggestive songs without a second glance. Why Britney? Share whose side you're on, Britney or the public.

1 comment:

  1. I have to side with Britney on this subject. She is just doing her job of putting out music. Every song on the radio has some type of suggestive lyric, whether it be direct or subtle. Some artist just choose to make it more obvious. But if people really had a problem with suggestive lyrics, they would have stopped listening to them a long time ago.
